Software Engineer Mediatek inc. hszheng[at]cs[dot]nctu[dot]edu[dot]tw
About Me
I’m Hong-Sheng Zheng, a software engineer at Mediatek, focusing on AI/CV Compiler Design and Optimization. I received my M.Sc. in NCTU CS advised by Prof. Wuu Yang.
Research Interests
TinyML: focus on peak memory reduciton, compiler optimization
Polyhedral Compiler: program anylsis, tiling and loop optimization
Algo/Schedule Decoupled Compiler: Halide/TVM based schedule language and compiler design
[10/2023] Our paper about memory-efficient optimiztion in TinyML is accepted to HPCA 2024.
[9/2023] Our paper about hybrid(1D/2D) streaming approach applied on patch-based inference in TinyML is accepted to NeurIPS 2023.